
The most effective health programs include both a controlled diet and increased physical activity.Whether your goal is to Shed fat, gain weight, or even gain muscle mass, eating a healthy and balanced diet is essential to achieveing your target. When physically active, your body will use up more energy (calories) during exercise to fuel the contracting muscles, increased breathing and heart rate and metabolism. This can help with weight control or if you are not looking to lose weight, you may find you need more food to replace the extra energy used. 
● Eating well for physical activity and sport can have many benefits including:● Allowing you to maximize performance in your chosen sport or activity● Reducing the risk of injury and illness; such as High blood pressure, diabetes, stress and others.● Ensuring the best recovery after exercise or a training program.
However, the dietary patterns that will best suit an individual will vary from person to person and depend on the amount and intensity of activity. This can range from those who are just starting to get more active, to those who are active at higher levels such as endurance events or team sports or professional athletes. Regardless of your level of activity, getting personalized nutrition advice from a qualified sports nutritionist or dietitian is essential to achieving your goals.

Not sure where to begin? Sign up for a consultation with our in house nutritionist to help develop the right program that suits you.